BMJに掲載されている“Don’t worry about the drug industry’s profits when considering a waiver on covid-19 intellectual property rights”と言う反インダストリーの論文に何か反論はあるかと聞かれました。私は以下の説明をしました。

This is the second series of my dialogue with a high-ranking government official – part I.
I was asked if there was any objection to the anti-industry paper “Don’t worry about the drug industry’s profits when considering a waiver on Covid-19 intellectual property rights” published in the BMJ.

<Are major mega-pharma companies making too much profits with corona vaccines? >
I think this is a very suggestive “question” requiring huge consideration on the industry landscape. If you simply look at the revenue growth of major pharmaceutical companies, especially last year, that’s clearly what it looks like. And if many economically disadvantaged countries could not obtain enough vaccines and the reason is that they can’t agree on prices, then the mega-pharma seems to put priority on prices and client’s ability to pay to determine the supply destination of the vaccines. Although it is a very reasonable business decision for any private company, they could be criticized as not serving the best public interest of the world, particularly given that a large part of their development cost is covered by public funds.
Is waiving on Covid-19 intellectual properties going to be an answer to this imbalance? My response is obviously “no.” Considering the capabilities to manufacture and commercialize the vaccines, we run into a different and brutal reality. It would be very difficult to distribute enough vaccines to all economically disadvantaged countries even if patents are waived in any country. First of all, (1) the hurdle to manufacture mRNA preparations with stable quality equivalent to the original products is extremely high. In order to make the products in a country not reaching a sufficient technical level, first technical training and guidance is required before the capital investment is made. Appropriate technical transfer is feasible only after the technical capabilities are established which also requires considerable resources and time. (2) In addition, the MCB / WCB of mRNA; the base of the product must be prepared and reproduced by the manufacturer. I do not expect the method of mass culturing MCB/WCB can be reproduced anywhere so easily. Therefore, in order to produce the largest amount of vaccine, we inevitably must rely on the mega-pharma companies. The best way to produce as much products as possible is to concentrate all the resources onto the same company and to carry out all steps from human training to installation of new equipment as efficiently as possible in a single large organization.
In that sense, it is extremely rational for Pfizer, AZ and J&J, the world’s largest companies to obtain the funds subsidized by the US and UK governments to materialize the maximum production in-house.