In January this year, I talked about my friend who started a bio-venture company on this blog. I also finally followed suit. It seems quite a challenge at the age of 63 to start up a company, doesn’t it? It bombarded me on all aspects of my life for the past three months and prevented me from updating this blog.
Both of us have long experience in the pharmaceutical industry, but interestingly we did not engage ourselves in the technology leading to pharmaceutical products. My friend is developing a veterinary drug and I develop a medical device. The facts are that we know too much about risks associated with development of pharmaceutical products. It takes 7-10 years, depending on the technology, from scratch to the approval and the success rate is not high. On the other hand, veterinary drugs and medical devices require relatively shorter period for development and can demonstrate earlier milestones from business perspective, although similar and competitive products are easier to emerge at the same time.
The new company, called EVA Therapeutics, Inc. was founded together with Professor Takanori Takebe of Tokyo Medical and Dental University based on his innovative “Enteral Ventilation” system. The company brief profile is as below.
EVA Therapeutics Co., Ltd. (
Representative Director: Hiromu Ozaki
Mission / Vision: Unlock New Potential of the Gut and Create New Therapeutic Modality
Technology: The ventilation mechanism called “Enteral Ventilation” discovered by Professor Takanori Takebe of Tokyo Medical and Dental University will allow breathing through the intestine for a certain period of time, allow the lungs rest and prevent the exacerbation of respiratory failure. If severe respiratory failure worsens, then the patients will shift to invasive and costly treatments such as ventilators and ECMOs. Suppressing the shift as much as possible will contribute to the common interests of patients and medical community.
Team: A hybrid team of young researchers from Takebe Lab and experienced leaders in the pharmaceutical industry to collaborate together
本年1月の投稿で、バイオベンチャーを始めた年下の友人の話をしましたが、私もついに何とか起業しました。齢63歳でのチャレンジです。会社設立は6月でしたが、ここ三か月何かと忙しく当ブログをアップデートできずにいましたが、Seed Financeの目途も立ち、漸く落ち着きました。
Mission/Vision: ヒトの臓器が持つポテンシャルを使って、新たな治療モダリティを創出