Is Cancellation of Debt Necessary for Social Security in Japan?

Japan’s social security costs have become too high to cover from the insurance premiums and the pension installment paid by the working generation, and a large amount of national expenses have already been allocated to Social Security.  Moreover, half of the source of national expenses is in fact national debt, and it was actually so risky if the debt keeps  increasing. The current situation is very imbalanced, so it is not sustainable as it is, but to enable a drastic solution to reduce medical and social insurance expenditure would be almost impossible. The current government policy is to at least curb growth of the expense as much as possible. I have been a little further and advocate to reduce long-term medical expenses by dividing medical care into essential and non-essential with non-essential medical care paid out of patients’ pocket and by curbing overall access to medical care. I That being said, my idea is almost impossible and unrealizable to get the support from medical professionals.

However, recently I came across an astonishing book titled as “Talking to My Daughter About the Economy by Yanis Varoufakis” which changed my perception quite a bit.

Debt is a lubricant for the economy in the first place, and if the public believes in the value of national currency, the amount of debt itself does not matter. Theoretically, if the national debt is held by their citizens in the form of government bonds, the debt does not pose any financial risks.  If the government can collect more funds from their people as a tax, then the government does not need to issue bonds, however people generally do not want to pay higher taxes.  It may be common sense for economists, but it is really an eye-opener for me. In other words, when it comes to it, you can forcibly collect taxes from the people and companies by calling off government bonds. Of course, individuals and companies do not bear government bonds fairly, so the cancellation cannot be enforced, and if they do so, the Great Depression like situation will occur in a society that has lost lubricating oil of economy..

I don’t want to pay higher taxes and I don’t want the country to borrow money, but that’s a contradiction in the first place. If we want to reduce our country’s debt, we should pay higher taxes.  But I realize that we can have government bonds instead!  From now on I would like to incorporate Japanese government bonds, which I hadn’t even looked at, in my asset portfolio as an obligation of social members.



ところが、最近目から鱗の本に出会って考えがチョット変わりました。「父が娘に語る経済の話」ヤニス・バルファキス著(Talking to My Daughter About the Economy by Yanis Varoufakis)がその本です。



