名称 Organization | ストラサン・ファルマ・コンサルティング Strathern Pharma Consulting (Self Employed) |
所在地 Headquarters | 大阪府 Osaka, Japan |
創業 Inception | 平成27年9月15日 September 15, 2015 |
代表 CEO | 尾﨑 拡 Hiromu Ozaki |
事業内容 Scope of Work | 日本発バイオベンチャーの経営支援・アカデミア発バイオイノベーションの橋渡し・海外バイオベンチャー企業の日本進出支援 Support management of bio-venture companies of Japanese origin, Bridging the deep gap of Academia and Industry, and Assist International bio venture companies to enter Japan |
info@strathern.biz |
Strathern Pharma Consulting was established in 2015 as the culmination of my 40 years of corporate activities at pharmaceutical and bio-venture companies, with the desire to help bring “bio innovation” to be materialized in the world. During the past 40 years, I met various excellent entrepreneurs, supported by their coaching and passion, I came to master the core knowledge of drug development, commercialization, and business development. Although I am not a scientist by education who can generate “innovation”, I am proud that I have the know-how to bring “innovation” to “commercialization” for patients. We look forward to meeting people with great science, innovation mind and passion.
CEO & Representative, Strathern Pharma Consulting
尾﨑 拡 Hiromu Ozaki